This User Agreement (hereinafter the “Agreement”) governs the relationship between Iteca Caspian LLC (hereinafter “ITECA”) and the User with respect to the User’s participation in exhibitions, conferences, and other events organized by ITECA, and the User shall unconditionally accept this Agreement upon registration of orders submitted by the User for participation in ITECA events and/or when registering on the website www.iteca.az.


Terms used herein shall have the following definitions:

  • Website – www.iteca.az
  • Notifications - means all notifications, news, and other targeted information transmitted hereunder
  • User - means a legal entity or an individual registered at the Website
  • Privacy policy - privacy policy available on the Website
  • E-Commerce Law – Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Electronic Commerce
  • Order - User's order for participation in exhibitions, conferences, and other events organized by ITECA
  • Personal account - User's personal page on the Website that is used for remote electronic communication between ITECA and User


2.1. ITECA offers its services on the terms and conditions that form the subject hereof.

2.2. This Agreement may be revised and/or amended without previous notice. Unless otherwise specified in the new version hereof, it shall come into effect 3 (three) days after publication.


3.1. The Website offers its services to the User pursuant to the Agreement made in line with the relevant e-commerce law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

3.2. The services provided through the Website are for information purposes only.

3.3. To use the services provided by ITECA, the User shall have at his disposal a personal computer and/or other electronic devices with Internet access.

3.4. The User shall independently place orders on the Website.


4.1. The User shall pay for the order on the Website through the appropriate payment systems by using VISA/MasterCard cards. The User shall bear all additional costs related to the money transfer under their order.

4.2. When choosing online payment, after placing an order, the User shall be redirected to a properly secured payment page where he/she is required to enter his/her bank card details. The 3D Secure protocol is used for additional authentication of the cardholder. If the User's Bank supports this technology, the User is redirected to the Bank's server for further authentication. The User can check with the issuing Bank of his/her bank card for information about additional rules and identification methods.

4.3. The amount payable is only the price of the Order.  In the event the Order or the final price are changed, or the need to make additional payment arises, payment for the execution of the Order effected as follows:

  • In the event the Order price is increased and/or the need arises to pay for additional services not previously included therein, the User shall pay the additional amount separately via a bank card
  • In case of a price reduction for the order, as well as full or partial cancellation by the User of an order placed in accordance with this Agreement, the ITECA will refund the User the difference within one month after confirmation by the company director.
4.4.  The payment may be canceled for the following reasons:
  • the bank card is not intended for making payments via the Internet (details can be obtained from the User's account bank)
  • not enough funds on the bank card for payment (detailed information about the remainder on the Users's bank card can be obtained from the User's account bank)
  • the bank card details are entered incorrectly
  • the bank card has expired (please check the validity period (mm/yy) on the front side of the card) Detailed information about the validity period of the card can be obtained from the User's Account Bank.

4.5.  ITECA shall not be responsible for issues that may arise in connection with bank cards and interbank exchange systems, including with banks and money transfers.

4.6.  If the User decides to cancel his/her order, he/she shall provide a written notification to that end, which will only be considered when received at the ITECA offices by registered mail. Note: email notifications are not considered.

4.7.  ITECA shall not bear any responsibility for failure to complete previously placed Orders due to the fault of the User.


5.1. Registration on the ITECA website is voluntary and free of charge.

5.2. To benefit from the services offered by ITECA, the User shall fill out the registration form, provide correct, accurate and complete information about himself/herself in response to the questions in the registration form, and indicate his acceptance of the terms set forth herein.

5.3. If the User does not provide correct information or if ITECA has reasons to doubt the correctness, completeness, or accuracy of the information provided, then ITECA shall have the right to suspend or cancel the User's registration and refuse to provide services to the User.


6.1. After completing the registration, the User shall receive a username and a password to access their personal account.

6.2. The User shall be responsible for the security of their username and password, as well as for all operations carried out on the ITECA website under those username and password.

6.3. The User shall immediately notify ITECA of any unauthorized access and/or breach of security where their username and password were used.

6.4. ITECA may terminate the User's account and registration at any time.


7.1. ITECA shall have the right to place on the Website materials protected by copyright, including trademarks and other materials protected by law (including texts, photographs, graphic images).

7.2. All content of the Website is protected by copyright as a work created by collective effort in accordance with the copyright and related rights legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

7.3. Unless otherwise specified in the materials published on the Website, the copyright for the use of the Website's content (including the right to select, place, systematize, and change information on the Website, as well as the right to primary data) belongs to ITECA.

7.4.The User has no right to make changes, publish, copy, transfer the content of the Website to third parties, participate in its sale or transfer, create derivative products or otherwise use the content of the Website in whole or in part.

7.5. The User shall use the Website for legal purposes only.

7.6. The User shall not place on the Website or send through the Website any of the materials that:

  • violate the law, contain threats and insults, discredit other persons, violate the right to private life of citizens or public order, or contradict the norms of morality
  • infringe the honor and dignity, rights, and legal interests of other persons to some extent
  • promote or contain incitement to religious, racial or ethnic enmity, or incite enmity or violence
  • other materials encouraging unlawful acts that entail criminal, civil or other liability or otherwise violating the law.

7.7.The User shall not place on the Website or send through it any materials advertising any goods or services without the prior consent of ITECA.

7.8. The User shall not use the Website to advertise or otherwise promote the sales of any goods or services.

7.9. The User shall not upload, post or otherwise use on the Website any materials protected by intellectual property law (including copyright and trademark law) and other materials protected by law without obtaining the express permission of their copyright owner. The User shall prove that the User's placement of materials on the Website does not violate the copyright, associated and other rights of third parties to these materials.

7.10. ITECA shall not be responsible for the User's opinions presented on the Website.

7.11. ITECA reserves the right to leave comments on user reviews. ITECA reserves the right not to publish user opinions that violate the legislation of Azerbaijan and/or damage the legitimate interests of third parties.

7.12. The User undertakes to hold harmless and indemnify ITECA against all claims of third parties arising as a result of the User's activities, including expenses incurred, lost profit, fines paid, etc.


8.1. When registering/placing an order on the ITECA Website, the User shall provide their name, surname, email address, contact number, and other related information.

8.2.Pursuant to this Agreement, ITECA shall develop, optimize, and implement a new functional service (including information, advertising, entertainment, and other products) with the involvement of relevant entities and/or partners. To achieve the specified goals, as well as for the purpose of keeping the User updated on its services, promoting ITECA products and services, holding electronic and SMS surveys, receiving personalized (targeted) advertising from the User, monitoring marketing campaigns, customer support, organizing product delivery to Users, holding lotteries among Users and monitoring of user satisfaction and the quality of services provided by the delivery service, as well as for the verification, research and analysis of such data the User shall authorize ITECA (subject to the compliance with applicable regulatory) for the transfer of results of the automated processing of such data (in the form of whole numbers and/or text and identifiers) to and the collection of User data and other information related to the User from the relevant entities and/or partners during registration or placing an order by the User. ITECA shall have the right to dispose of statistical information related to the operation of the Website as it sees fit.

8.3. The information related to the User means technical equipment (devices) and methods of process communication with the ITECA service and/or relevant entities and/or partners (IP address of the host, type of operating system, type of browser, geographical location, information about the provider, etc.), information about the User's activity, as well as other information obtained by the specified methods.

8.4. Data processing means any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) with personal data with or without the use of automation tools, including collection, recording, systematization, collection, storage, clarification (updating, modification), verification, extraction, use, transfer to affiliates and/or partners of ITECA, anonymization, blocking, deletion, or destruction.

8.5. ITECA shall have the right to send, independently or with the involvement of technical partners, information (including service and advertising) messages to the User's email and mobile phone by using, inter alia, services of ITECA partners (social networks, messengers, etc.) utilized by the User. The user shall have the right to refuse to receive advertising and other information without explanation. Service messages informing the User about the order and the stages of its processing shall be sent automatically, and the User shall not have the right to decline them. The User may refuse to receive advertising and other information by making the necessary changes to the User's profile or by contacting the information center or the customer support department at [email protected]. The User may withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data by sending a request of suspension of the service to the information center or the customer support department at [email protected].

8.6. ITECA reserves the right to use the "cookie" technology. Cookies do not contain confidential information, and ITECA has the right to send information about them to Partners, agents, and third parties with an agreement in place with ITECA in order to fulfill obligations to the User and optimize statistics and advertising messages.

8.7. ITECA receives information about the IP addresses of Website visitors; this information is not used to identify the visitors.

8.8. ITECA is not responsible for information provided by the User on the Website in a publicly accessible form.


9.1. All disputes and discrepancies between the parties arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

9.2. The parties agree to comply with the pre-trial resolution procedure.

9.3. If the parties fail to resolve their disputes as set forth under 9.1 and 9.2 hereof, the parties, before referring the dispute to court, shall take part in primary mediation as set forth under 3.2 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Mediation”. If the dispute is not resolved through mediation, it shall be referred to the relevant courts of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


10.1. This Agreement is governed by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

10.2. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating an agency, partnership, joint venture, personal employment, or other relationship between the User and ITECA not expressly provided for herein.