Our Participation in the Exhibition Shows That We Are Here, On the Ground

Our Participation in the Exhibition Shows That We Are Here, On the Ground

21 october 2024 0000

Cavid Akbarov 
Deputy Director 
BestTeknik LLC and Anadolu Kafkas İnşaat Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., Turkey 

We operate both in Turkey and Azerbaijan. In Turkey, we function as Anadolu Kafkas A.Ş., and in Azerbaijan as BestTeknik LLC. Our primary focus is on manufacturing industrial pressure vessels. This includes various types of hot water, steam, hot oil, and water boilers, accumulators, heat exchangers—basically, the equipment we produce serves as the power source for industrial facilities. Modern enterprises, ranging from the food sector to heavy machinery manufacturing, as well as the oil and chemical industries, cannot be imagined without these boilers and equipment. 

We are also about to launch a new production line—expansion tanks. Our production tools, machinery, and equipment have arrived from Turkey, and we expect to complete the construction of the workshops by the end of the year. We plan to start series production next year. We are providing visitors with information about this new facility at the exhibition. 

Since 2008, we have been a consistent participant in the AquaTherm Baku exhibition. The reason for our regular participation is that we find new partners and business opportunities here, hold meetings, and make valuable connections. I am confident that we will continue this policy going forward. One of the most appealing aspects of the last two years’ exhibitions is that more professionals from the sector are attending. There are fewer general attendees, and more visitors who are directly related to the construction sector, mechanical work, heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. These visitors ask more thematic questions, which is highly commendable. 

Of course, exhibitions offer both material and intangible benefits. We show that we are here and actively present in the field."