Exhibitions Help Understand Market Demands and Prospects

Exhibitions Help Understand Market Demands and Prospects

17 october 2024 0000
Alexander Chubarev 
ASM SULZER, Kazakhstan 

I periodically attend exhibitions to assess whether it would be beneficial for our company to participate in various events. Our firm specializes in water supply and treatment systems. We are a corporation with 16,000 employees and regularly participate in various exhibitions across Europe and the USA.

We are interested in the Azerbaijani market and have already supplied equipment here, but at this point, we are keen to expand our client base—exhibitions serve as a useful tool for this purpose. This allows us to explore who is represented, the technologies they offer, and if there are competitors, we might consider participating in the exhibition as well. Currently, we do not plan to showcase our products, as there is no suitable theme.

For me, as a specialist, the Aquatherm Baku exhibition helps to understand market demands and prospects, what is being presented, the saturation of the market, and the interests of competitors. It also allows me to see new products to stay up to date. Such exhibitions help track innovations not only within our segment but also in adjacent areas, enabling us to better understand consumer demand and needs when meeting new clients. Personally, I felt there was a lack of companies focusing on pumping equipment at this exhibition.